28 January 2016

BEREC Chair presents BEREC opinion on Review of the Telecoms Framework

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BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler presented BEREC opinion on Review of the Telecoms Framework at a meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy in the European Parliament in Brussels.

“According to BEREC now is the right moment in time to undertake a second refresh of our regulatory framework to respond to new market developments and consumer needs. BEREC recommends when moving ahead we should preserve our guiding principles and common regulatory objectives that have proven to be successful and are future proof: promotion of competition and investment; promotion of the internal market and empowerment and protection of end users,” said W. Eschweiler during his presentation.

He also stressed that “refreshing” of the regulation should be led by the following principles:

  • Pursue most efficient, proportionate and least intrusive regulatory approaches in accordance with national market conditions;
  • Regulatory details to be defined bottom-up by national regulators as they know best their national markets. The future framework should allow for sufficient flexibility for NRAs in that regard;
  • Regulation, co-regulation and deregulation to be applied according to the needs of the respective markets.

“An evolutionary development of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications is at the heart of the future way to our common objective: the Digital Single Market and, Telecoms Framework review is a central pillar of its strategy as announced by the Commission last year,” concluded W. Eschweiler.