28 January 2016

BEREC has started its work to develop European Net Neutrality guidelines

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BEREC Net Neutrality Expert Working Group co-chair Frode Sørensen took part in the #NetCompetition seminar on 26 January 2016 in the European Parliament in Brussels, where he presented BEREC work to develop European Net Neutrality guidelines.

“BEREC is tasked to develop European Net Neutrality guidelines in order to contribute to the consistent application of the net neutrality regulation in Europe,” said F.Sorensen during his presentation. “And BEREC is performing this task in close cooperation with the European Commission.”

In order to consult stakeholders at an early stage, BEREC held stakeholder dialogue meetings in December 2015. These meetings focused on discussing the meanings of the provisions on reasonable traffic management, specialised services, transparency measures and commercial practices, including zero-rating.

“BEREC has now started its work to develop the guidelines, and will publish draft version of the document for public consultation after the Board of Regulators meeting in early June. Final Net Neutrality guidelines will be issued by 30 August 2016,” acknowledges F.Sorensen.