06 February 2023

BEREC supports new statement signed that prolongs voluntary measures for affordable connectivity to Ukrainian refugees

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Ukrainian and EU operators have signed a new statement prolonging voluntary measures that enable Ukrainian refugees to have affordable access to connectivity, use roaming at discounted prices or free of charge, and make international calls at lower rates. The new statement extends for a further six months, the agreement initially signed in April 2022. 

BEREC welcomes this extension and, along with the Ukrainian National Regulatory Authority, will monitor the implementation of the agreed measures.

BEREC Chair 2023, Prof. Kostas Masselos (EETT - Greece), stated: "It is important to stand by the Ukrainian people and embrace these initiatives that support them during the difficult circumstances they have been facing since last February. This Joint statement establishes a stable framework to lower retail prices both for roaming and international communication services that will help people displaced by the war to stay in touch with family and friends back home and maintain access to information."