16 March 2016

Effective competition will remain key to meeting high-speed broadband connectivity ambitions

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In order to discuss the BEREC perspectives on the Telecoms framework review and the Telecom Single Market deliverables (Net neutrality and International Roaming), the BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler took part in the IIC Telecommunications and Media forum on 16 March 2016 in Brussels. Bringing together representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, regulatory bodies and leading industry players, the IIC Telecommunications and Media Forum looked at how plans for the Digital Single Market are evolving and the challenge of balancing economic goals with consumer protection and sustainable development.

During his presentation, the BEREC Chair stressed, that “the vision of ubiquitous high speed networks lies at the heart of the EC‘s Digital Single Market Strategy. It is important to bear in mind that achieving these European connectivity targets presents a different set of challenges in different Member States and more general needs a mix of different instruments. Focusing our view on future access regulation effective competition will remain key to meeting Europe‘s high speed broadband connectivity ambitions. „

Wilhelm Eschweiler also added that it is important that the framework enables regulators to support competition and roll-out in the forms most appropriate to their national circumstances