Results of the three recent public consultations and next steps

14 July 2017

During the period between 7 June and 5 July 2017 BEREC has ran three public consultations on the following documents: BEREC Medium-term strategy 2018-2020, Internet protocol interconnection practices in the context of Net Neutrality and BEREC regulatory methodology for quality of service assessment for the implementation of Net Neutrality provisions.

During these three public consultations, BEREC has received 51 contributions from stakeholders and other interested parties. BEREC values very much the views of all stakeholders, and expresses its appreciation and gratefulness for the time, resources and efforts spent for this activity.

BEREC experts will now process all the contributions received in order to draft the summary reports. Internal discussions among experts will also be held in parallel in order to assess the contributions received with a view to amend the documents under public consultations accordingly.

The amended documents will be presented at the 32nd BEREC plenary meeting on 5-6 October 2017 for adoption and publication to the Board of Regulators, together with the summary reports. 

The contributions were received through the BEREC online public consultation platform as well as via the relevant email addresses. All of them, respecting the confidentiality requests, will be published on the BEREC website along with the summary reports.