20 April 2016

Upcoming review provides a good opportunity to undertake a “re-fresh” of the regulatory framework

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On 20 April BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler took part in the 10th Annual Digital Regulation Forum, London, United Kingdom. The event aimed to promote the discussion of the regulatory landscape in the European telecoms market and to gain valuable insight into the review of the regulatory framework.

During his presentation the BEREC Chair underlined that the upcoming review provides a good opportunity to undertake a “re-fresh” of the regulatory framework. This should be done while preserving what is at the root of its success – its underlying principles. In BEREC’s view the balanced set of objectives (promotion of competition and investment, the Internal market and end-user interests) is still valid and fit for purpose. Furthermore the principle of technological neutrality needs to be maintained. 

During his speech, Wilhelm Eschweiler also paid attention to the priorities of NRAs taking into account the changing technological and competitive landscape. The BEREC Chair also highlighted that a clear focus of the review work should be on substantial issues instead of intense discussions about institutional issues.  Market players and European citizens are waiting for solid answers on the substance how to cope with the fast changing digital ecosystem and the digital society.

The event brought together more than 150 policy makers, regulators, operators and investors to understand the various perspectives to further advance the regulatory framework. The event acts as a knowledge and networking opportunity.