09 June 2022
BEREC Annual Reports 2021 (Design Version)

According to the BEREC Regulation, BEREC shall provide its annual activity report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee by 15 June of the year subsequent to the year covered in the annual activity report . BEREC shall report annually on technical matters within its competence, in particular on the market developments in the electronic communications sector. BEREC publishes its annual report on its activities and an annual report on developments in the sector as part of a single document. Whereas the Annual Report on BEREC’s activities focuses on the outcomes of the work of its WGs and ad-hoc teams based on the Work Programme, the Annual Report on developments in the electronic communications sector summarises BEREC’s views on the past year and provides its perspective on future developments and challenges in the sector.
Following the decision taken by the BoR in 2013, the two reports are presented as two parts (A and B) of a single document and are published together.