BEREC Office on-line seminar about the benefits for the Latvian economy and business from the EU Public Procurement

On 11 November 2020 the BEREC Office held the on-line seminar about the benefits for the Latvian economy and business from the EU Public Procurement. Consult the event agenda.

The main objective of the seminar was the presentation of the Guidebook for economic operators participating in procurement procedures of the BEREC Office, published by the Agency recently.

The seminar was held in English and the participants had the opportunity to send questions via the on-line platform, which was used for the event. Watch the recorded video below.

The seminar was organised in collaboration with Latvian public authorities, namely: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Transport, Latvian public procurement portal and with the support of the European Commission.

The event was streamed live and video-recorded (please see the Privacy Statement).

Opening remarks from Laszlo Ignéczi, Director of the BEREC Office.

Introduction to the event by Jānis Zakovics, Deputy Director of the Department of the EU and External Economic Relations, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia.

Presentation on the benefits for Latvian economy and business from the EU Public Procurement by Iskra Stoilova-Tsoneva, Head of Administration and Finance of the BEREC Office.

Presentation of the Guidebook for economic operators participating in procurement procedures of BEREC Office by Ruslanas Kudriasovas, Team Leader Finance and Procurement at the BEREC Office and Dina Morica, Procurement and Legal Officer at the BEREC Office.

Presentation by on participation in foreign procurement and the opportunities and challenges by Līga Avena, Lawyer, public procurement expert.

Statement from the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia by Normunds Egle, Director of Electronic Communications department, Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia.

Statement from Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia by Jānis Zakovics, Deputy Director of the Department of the EU and External Economic Relations, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia.

Closing of the session and information on the follow-up by the BEREC Office from Laszlo Ignéczi, Director of the BEREC Office.