BEREC public consultation on its Work Programme 2020 and call for inputs to MTS
Each year, following consultation with interested parties, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopts a Work Programme (WP) for the following calendar year. The process of drafting the WP began with a first call for input in March of this year. I would like to thank you for the input you provided on that first stage occasion. It provided us with important understandings of your priorities and suggestions on topics to be considered for BEREC’s work in 2020, and it also helped us to achieve as broad a stakeholder input as possible. This public consultation is the second and final stage of the consultation process, where the projects suggested by external stakeholders have been appraised, consolidated and prioritised, and crafted into a draft WP 2020.
Together with the call for contributions to the public consultation on the draft BEREC WP 2020, a first call for input to the upcoming review of the BEREC Medium Term Strategy (MTS) was launched. The annual WP is guided by the objectives and strategic priorities set out in the current MTS, which was adopted on a triennial basis for 2018-20 and which is set to be reviewed again next year. A new BEREC medium term strategy will be the basis for future multi-annual work programmes from 2021 and beyond. BEREC will approve the outline of the WP 2021 at the end of January 2020. This is a requirement of the new BEREC rules. While the objectives of the EECC will still be at the centre of BEREC work in the coming years, BEREC will need to prioritise its work and resources to realise these objectives and we are interested in hearing what areas of the code you believe BEREC should put particular emphasis on.
The public consultation and call for inputs was launched on 7 October with the deadline for responses to this public consultation and call for input - 6 November 2019 (18:00 CET).
All contributions received will be published on the BEREC website, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data.