Call for contributions 02/11 on possible existing legal and administrative barriers in the provision of eCommunications services for the business segment
Run from 4 July to 19 August 2011
During 2009 and 2010 the ERG first, and then BEREC, analysed the inefficiencies experienced by business communications service providers based on inconsistencies in regulatory approaches across Europe, potentially hindering the competitive dynamics and the completion of the internal market.
To complement the above-mentioned work, within the scope of its institutional commitment to foster the harmonization of national tools for the implementation of the sector’s legislative framework, BEREC committed itself to look into any administrative barriers to the cross-border provision of business communications services.
In that respect BEREC launch a call for input to collect evidence from the stakeholders on any inefficiency in the provision of business communication services arising from different approaches to national administrative regimes.
The call for input was run from 4 July until 19 August 2011. With that period BEREC received 8 responses as follows: AT&T, BT, Colt Technology Services Group, ECTA, INTUG, joint response by AT&T, BT Global Services, Cable & Wireless Worldwide, Orange and Verizon, Telecom Italia and Vodafone.
BEREC analysed these findings and on 8 December 2011 published its report on the possible existing legal and administrative barriers with reference to the provision of electronic communications services for the business segment.