Call for input for preparation of the BEREC Opinion on the General Authorisation regime
The European Electronic Communications Code tasks BEREC to publish by 21 December 2021, and every three years thereafter, an opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation and their impact on the functioning of the internal market.
During the 47th BEREC ordinary meeting (10 June 2021), the Board of Regulators decided to launch a call to all interested stakeholders to provide their inputs in the light of any issues identified in the field, both in the EU legislative framework and in national implementation solutions, by means of answering to a set of questions.
Such inputs will be taken into account by BEREC within the elaboration of its opinion.
Please note that the initial deadline (26.07.2021) has been prolonged. All stakeholders are invited to submit their inputs by 9 August 2021 close of business to [email protected]. Please note that BEREC does not intend to provide individual responses to inputs received or publish stakeholder inputs.
Contributions should be sent preferably in English.
The Board of Regulators will adopt and submit the first BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation to the European Commission in December 2021.