Full list of public consultations closed in 2012
Full list of all public consultations closed in 2012:
PC № | Start | End | Topic | Documents subject to consultation | Contributions received |
PC 11/12 | 5 October 2012 | 16 November 2012 | Article 28(2) Universal Service Directive | Draft BEREC Report on Article 28(2) Universal Service Directive: a harmonized BEREC cooperation process | The Telecommunications United Kingdom Fraud Forum-TUFF; Vodafone; eircom Group; France Telecom – Orange; GSMA Europe; Cable & Wireless Worldwide (CWW); VERIZONE; Telecom Italia; Federation of Communication Services (FCS); BT; ETNO; Confidential contributionand Telekom Austria. |
PC 10/12 | 28 September 2012 | 26 October 2012 | Draft BEREC Work programme 2013 | Draft BEREC Work programme 2013 | Within the current public consultation BEREC received 15 contributions, the list of which can be consulted here |
PC 09/12 | 28 September 2012 | 18 October 2012 | BEREC Common Positions (CP) on Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL) | revised CP on WLA; revised CP on WBA;revised CP on WLL; Glossary of terms. | Within the current public consultation BEREC received 13 contributions, the list of which can be consulted in the Document Register. |
PC 08/12 | 9 July 2012 | 10 August 2012 | New Roaming Regulation | Draft BEREC Guidelines on the application of Article 3 of the Roaming Regulation – Wholesale Roaming AccessChoice of the Decoupling Method – a consultation to assist BEREC in preparing advice to the Commission on its forthcoming Implementing Act | Within the current public consultation BEREC received 50 contributions, the list of which can be consulted here. |
PC 07/12 | 29 May 2012 | 31 July 2012 | Net neutrality (NN)Explanatory paper | 1. Draft Guidelines for Quality of Service in the scope of NN2. Draft Report "An assessment of IP-interconnection in the context of NN"3. Draft report "Differentiation practices and related competition issues in the scope of NN" | Within the current public consultation BEREC received 72 contributions, the list of which can be consulted here. The publication of the contributions on the website is forthcoming. |
PC 06/12 | 1 March 2012 | 31 March 2012 | Non-discrimination | Draft BEREC High Level Principles on issues of non-discrimination | Bouygues Telecom, BT Group, Deutsche Telekom AG, ECTA, ETNO, EWE Tel, FCS, FTTH Council Europe,QSC, Telecom Italia, VATMand Wind |
PC 05/12 | 9 January 2012 | 10 March 2012 | Co-investment and SMP in NGA | Draft Report on co-investment and SMP in NGA | BT Group, Buglas, Cable Europe, Deutsche Telekom, ECTA, ETNO, FTTH Council Europe,Netcologne, Telecom Italia,Telefonica,Vodafone and Wind. |
PC 04/12 | 9 January 2012 | 10 February 2012 | Special Rate Services | Draft BEREC Report on Special Rate Services | 3 Star Net, Belgacom, Deutsche Telekom, DVTM,EIDQ Annex, FastWeb, GSMA Europe, INTUG, JUCONOMY, OnYourMap, OPTIMUS, Orange, QSC, Telecom Italia, Telefonica,The Number UK, Vodafone, Voice Data Bridge BV, WIND, WIND Hellas |
PC 03/12 | 9 January 2012 | 10 February 2012 | Fixed-mobile substitution in market definition | Draft BEREC Report on the impact of fixed-mobile substitution in market definition | ECTA, ETNO, ONITELECOM, Telecom Italia,Telefonica, Telekom Austria, VATM, WIND |
PC 02/12 | 16 December 2011 | 23 January 2012 | Broadband promotion | Draft BEREC Broadband Promotion Report | BEUC, BREKO, COIT, Deutsche Telekom, ECTA, ETNO, FTTH Council Europe, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telekom Austria Group, The Communications Consumer Panel,Virgin Media, Vodafone, VON Europe, WIND |
PC 01/12 | 16 December 2011 | 16 January 2012 | BEREC midterm strategy | Draft BEREC midterm strategy outlook | ECTA , ETNO, FTTH Council Europe, Telefonica, Vodafone, Voice on the Net Coalition Europe (‘VON’), WIND |