EMF related country-specific information for Germany

Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport + Federal Ministry for the Environment + Federal Office for Radiation Protection + German Commission on Radiological Protection

Involvement of federal state administrations

5G Information Campaign on Social Media

NRA NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
BNetzA, DE No Yes Yes Yes Yes https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Vportal/TK/Funktechnik/EMF/start.html
Yes: ICNIRP 1999/519/EG

    In Germany’s experience, what contributes to tackling the resulting challenges are in particular interlinked measures in three fields: Regulation; Research, and Communication.

    A radio system (e.g. base station) is only permitted to go into operation if compliance with the limit values has been checked by the Federal Network Agency. This is done by calculations or measurements. In addition, the compliance of radio stations is checked on a random basis. On selected locations single measurements and long-term monitoring of all electromagnetic emissions (up to 6 GHz) are performed. The results are published on the internet (https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Vportal/TK/Funktechnik/EMF/start.html).

    A key building block of the German Mobile Communications Strategy is a communication initiative of the Federal Government (an initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and the Federal Ministry for the Environment) on the roll-out of mobile communications and 5G. The initiative is called “Germany talks about 5G” and was launched in mid-October 2020 within the framework of a silent launch on Facebook (@dspricht5G ) and Twitter (#dspricht5G). The Internet presence was expanded to include YouTube and Instagram. The central website is available at:

    Since the beginning of October 2020, the central digital office can be reached at: [email protected].

    At the federal-state level, some administrations run their own campaigns on EMF. These are, for example information campaigns on 5G, which also include the health topic. Some federal states conduct their own EMF measurement campaigns.