EMF related country-specific information for Lithuania

The National Regulatory Authority (NRA) is not responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF).

NRA NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
RRT, LT No No No Ministry of Health and National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory are responsible for EMF. Yes: ICNIRP

    Commercial 5G networks in Lithuania were launched in 2022. 

    The Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory are responsible for EMF. They do evaluations. Operators have an obligation to request permission for the use of radio equipment from the National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory. Also, there is a plan to create the EMF map of the capital of Lithuania.

    Moreover, due to the increasing attention on EMF, it is important to educate the public about electromagnetic fields and 5G. The NRA has already provided clarifications on 5G on its website (https://www.rrt.lt/en/rrt-provides-clarifications-on-5g/) and the involvement of media, private companies, and universities is also present.