Decision No BoR/2024/05 of the Board of Regulators on the approval of the BEREC’s self-assessment tool for NRAs’ independence
At Plenary 2 2023, the BoR requested the RF WG to explore the possibility of developing a self-assessment tool that could allow NRAs to self-assess their institutional layout against the background of the independence guarantees envisaged by the regulatory framework. This self-assessment tool is intended to help individual NRAs assess their independence prerogatives in a systematic way and on a regular basis. After adoption, the tool will be available on BERECnet for internal use only. It aims to identify any problematic issues concerning NRAs’ independence that may arise in the background of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Although the tool aims to provide a fast-checking method for identifying potential independence issues, it does not replace a proper analysis of conformity of the national independence rules and practice with EU law, as performed by the European Commission.