Jordi Canadell Boix
Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission - SpainJordi Canadell-Boix is Head of Section at the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC). He joined the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT) in 2006 and since then has worked especially in market analysis (including definition, competition analysis and identification of operators with Significant Market Power and imposition of ex ante obligations), complaints and retail control of anti-competitive behaviour in business and mass market offers (including economic replicability tests), disputes between operators over interconnection or use of wholesale reference offers, and assessment of Mergers and Acquisitions. Previously he worked for more than six years at Telefónica, mainly in the Sales Area of the Enterprises Unit.
He was appointed as MEA WG co-Chair for 2023, and previously, since 2008, he participated in BEREC as an active member or drafter in ten different working groups, as well as expert in Phase II cases (opinion on EC serious doubts). He has also participated as an expert or speaker in the European Mediterranean Regulators Group and in various twinning programmes in several countries, as well as lecturing at the University of Barcelona since 2009 for the Master’s in Economics, Regulation and Competition in Public Services.
Jordi holds a Master’s in Business Administration and Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), a Master’s in Marketing and Market Research Methods from the University of Barcelona (UB), and also a PMD from ESADE Business School.