2023 Consolidated Annual Activity Report of the BEREC Office
This consolidated annual activity report (CAAR) provides an overview of the activities carried out by the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office, Agency) in 2023 with the aim to inform the BEREC Office Management Board (MB) and the public of the progress in the implementation of its Work Programme (WP) for 2023 and its multiannual strategy for the period 2023-2025, as defined in the Single Programming Document (SPD) for 2023-2025, as amended. The CAAR contains detailed information on the operations carried out by the Agency in 2023. It evaluates these activities against the objectives and performance criteria outlined in the above-mentioned SPD, considering associated risks, resource utilisation, and the efficiency and effectiveness of internal control systems. The report also includes an overall assessment of the costs and benefits of controls and information on how authorised operational expenditures contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives of the European Union (EU) and generate EU added value.