BEREC Office Annual Administrative Report 2012 from Authorising Officer

According to Article 40 (1) of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation the BEREC Office Authorising Officer (AO)/Administrative Manager (AM) has to submit to the Management Committee (MC) an annual administrative report on the performance of his duties.

In that respect, Mr Ando REHEMAA, BEREC Office AO/AM submitted on 27 May 2013 the current report to the BEREC Office MC for consideration.

The reposrt was discussed by the MC during it 15th meeting, held on 6 June 2013 in Athens.

The analysis and assessment of the Annual Administrative Report submittedby the BEREC Office AO/AM is presented in Appendix 8 to the BEREC Office Management Committee Annual Activity Report for 2012 (document (MC (13) 40).

Document number: MC (13) 39
Document date: 27 May 2013
Date of registration: 12 June 2013
Author: BEREC Office Administrative Manager/ Authorising Officer