BEREC Office MB Decision on the designation of the Reporting Officers to appraise the Director of the BEREC Office for the period 01.01.-31.12.2023
According to Decision of the BEREC Office Management Board (MB) on the probationary period, management trial period and concerning the appraisal of the Director and repealing Decision MC (10) 26 concerning the appraisal for the administrative manager the reporting officers for the annual appraisal of the BEREC Office Director shall be the Chair of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG), the European Commission representative in the MB and at least one MB member appointed by the MB from amongst its members.
In that respect on 7 December 2023 the MB took the current Decision on the designation of the Reporting Officers to appraise the Director of the BEREC Office for the reporting period from 01.01. to 31.12.2023.
For more details, see the attached document.