BEREC Office MC Decision on amending Decision No MC/2016/08 of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office on the Rules Governing the Traineeship Programme of the BEREC Office
On 3 June 2016, the Management Committee of the BEREC Office set up the rules governing the traineeship programme at the BEREC Office with the Decision MC/2016/08.
The BEREC Office Management Committee has decided to introduce certain adjustments to Decision MC/2016/08 on the basis of the experiences acquired in the first years of implementation of the Traineeship Programme. Therefore the Management Committee adopted Decision MC/2018/02 amending the Rules Governing the Traineeship Programme of the BEREC Office.
The amending decision has been prepared in order to improve the efficiency of the administration of the Traineeship Programme and increase its attractiveness for potential candidates.
The updated provisions are related to the modalities of calculation of the grant, which are better clarified. In addition, the eligibility requirements have been better specified and updated.The amended decision also requires the BEREC Office to provide the trainees with a health insurance during the duration of the traineeship.
This Decision of the Management Committee was adopted on 9 March 2018 at Bratislava and enters into force on the day of its adoption.
It shall apply only for procedures for selection of trainees launched after the entry into force of this Decision.