Decision by the BEREC Office MC concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision MC (11) 23 of 30 September 2011

Decision MC/2012/2 of the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous MC Decision MC (11) 23 of 30 September 2011.

This Decision was adopted by the MC on 24 February 2012 and entered into force on the same day of its adoption. It was repelased by Decision by the MC/2013/05 of the BEREC Office concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision № MC/2012/2 of 24 February 2012.