Decision by the BEREC Office MC to establish direct service agreements with the international schools in the Republic of Latvia to cover schooling fees for children of the BEREC Office staff

Document number: MC/2012/5

Document date: 25-05-2012

Date of registration: 01-08-2012

Author: BEREC Office MC

On 25 May 2012 the BEREC Office MC adopted the current Decision according to which the BEREC Office should cover the schooling fees for the children of the BEREC Office staff members attending or applying to the international schools that have signed a service agreement with the BEREC Office.

The proposed measure takes into account all recommendations of the Commission on schooling included in section 2.3.3 of its Guidelines on staff policy in Regulatory Agencies.

The measure will remain in place until the establishment of a European School in Latvia, on which the Latvian authorities are currently working. Once the European School is in place, the BEREC OfficeMC will repeal the current measure.