Decision No MB/2019/16 of the Management Board of the Agency for support for BEREC (BEREC Office) laying down rules on preventing and managing conflicts of interest concerning the members of the Management Board

Document number: MB/2019/16

Document date: 04-10-2019

Date of registration: 09-10-2019

Author: BEREC Office MB

The prevention and management of conflict of interests is a vital part of good administrative behaviour of the European Institutions, bodies and Agencies. It is crucial to ensure the BEREC Office’s independence and transparency, and to maintain the trust of stakeholders and citizens in the Agency’s integrity. Conflicts of interest, actual or perceived, may put integrity of the decision-making process into question and also represent a reputational risk. The risks of actual or perceived conflicts of interests should therefore be identified and correctly managed, on the basis of a coherent and comprehensive policy for the prevention and management of conflicts of interests of the members of the Management Board of the Agency for support for BEREC (BEREC Office).