Decision No MB/2023/03 of the Management Board of the Agency for Support for BEREC for the Establishment of the Selection Panel for the Selection of Director
Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing BEREC and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) envisages that the Director shall be appointed by the Management Board, following an open and transparent selection procedure, on the basis of merit, management, administrative and budgetary skills and the skills and experience relevant to electronic communications networks and services. To determine the procedure for the selection of the BEREC Office Director the Management Board adopted a dedicated annex (Annex No 5) to its rules of procedure setting out in detail the arrangements governing this specific selection procedure.
To comply with Annex 5 of its rules of procedure the Management Board decided to set up a selection panel made up of 5 members: 4 EU national regulatory authority (NRA) senior representatives and 1 representative from the European Commission (EC). A second EC representative - expert in human resources (HR) has been appointed to participate in the work of the selection panel and to ensure the respect for due process.
The Management Board has also appointed 1 NRA alternate member of the selection panel to ensure business continuity.
More information about the current decision of the Management Board can be found in the attached document.
The next step of the procedure will be the adoption and publication of a vacancy notice setting out the eligibility and the selection criteria and the overall procedure for the appointment of the Director.