Decision No MB/2023/05 of the Management Board of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) on the implementation of measures of a social nature at the BEREC Office
The BEREC Office Management Board (MB) after consulting the Staff Committee adopted this Decision on the implementation of measures of a social nature at the BEREC Office. The decision contains Multi-annual Action Plan 2023-2027, which replaces the Multi-annual Action plan 2018-2022, aims to further continue offering BEREC Office staff with access to measures which would allow them to better reconcile working commitments with family life. The envisaged Multi-annual plan reflects now the latest changes concerning the hybrid working, telework outside place of employment, the possibility to practice physical activities during working hours within BEREC Office premises legal support for staff members’ private matters in areas governed by Latvian laws such as Civil law, Consumer law, Tax law, Real estate law, Administrative law, Labour law, Headquarters Agreement concluded between the BEREC Office and the Government of the Republic of Latvia, payment of the tuition costs for the staff members’ children in private international schools with whom BEREC Office concluded agreements. The Multi-annual Action Plan covers a range of various social welfare measures, including schooling, promoting a healthy work environment and concluding agreements which offer more favorable conditions for commercial services including private healthcare providers.