Decision No MB/2023/08 of the Management Board of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) on the adoption of the amendment No 1 of the Single Programming Document of the BEREC Office for the period 2023-2025 and Amending Budget No 1 for 2023

In compliance with the provisions of Article 23 of the BEREC Regulation and Article 32 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation on 14 December 2022  the BEREC Office Management Board (MB) adopted the BEREC Office  Single Programming Document (SPD) for 2023-2025 containing, among others, a multi-annual and an annual work programme, an estimate of its revenue and expenditure and a resources programming document. Together with the SPD the MB adopted the BEREC Office Budget and Establishment Plan for 2023 in line with the provisions of Article 24 of the BEREC Regulation. Already at that time, the MB signalled in the final SPD the need for its amendment, as well as of the BEREC Office Budget and Establishment plan for 2023 in order to establish an accounting officer function in the course of 2023 due to the forthcoming termination of the agreement by DG Budget (European Commission) for the provision of accounting services. On 16 March, 2023 the European Commission adopted draft Amending Budget No 1 of the General Budget of the EU containing technical adjustments stemming from the political agreements reached on several legislative proposals, which contains a proposal authorising the BEREC Office to establish an additional temporary agent post for its accounting officer on a budgetary neural way, which was voted by the Budgetary authority in June 2023. In line with the provisions of Article 23 (3) and Article 24 (7) of the BEREC Regulation, the MB amended the SPD for 2023-2025 and the annual budget for 2023 to align them with the amendment to the General Budget of the EU. For more details, see the attached document.