Decision No MB/2024/11 of the Management Boards of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) accepting the application of National Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Moldova (ANRCETI) to become Participant without voting rights

Pursuant to article 35, paragraph 2 of the BEREC Regulation: “The Board of Regulators, the working groups and the Management Board shall be open to the participation of regulatory authorities of third countries with primary responsibility in the field of electronic communications, where those third countries have entered into agreements with the Union to that effect.

Under the relevant provisions of those agreements, working arrangements shall be developed specifying, in particular, the nature, extent and manner in which the regulatory authorities of the third countries concerned will participate without the right to vote in the work of BEREC and of the BEREC Office, including provisions relating to participation in the initiatives carried out by BEREC, financial contributions and staff to the BEREC Office. As regards staff matters, those arrangements shall, in any event, comply with the Staff Regulations”. This provision is about the participation in BEREC and BEREC Office’s work by NRAs from 3rd countries having agreements with the Union “to that effect”.

On February 2023, the NRA of Moldova expressed their willingness to join BEREC and BEREC Office work as participants without voting rights. After performing the eligibility analysis of this request, it was decided that the NRA of Moldova can become a participant without voting rights in BEREC and BEREC Office.