MC Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the termination of the appointment of the Interim Accounting Officer and on the appointment of the Commission Accounting Officer as the BEREC Office Accounting Officer
In order to improve the cost-efficiency of the BEREC Office the, in the MC BEREC Office Financial Regulation (Decision MC/2014/1), has envisaged the possibility of sharing services or transferring certain functions to another body of the EU or to the Commission. One of the options explicitly mentioned in the Financial Regulation is the possibility for partial or full outsourcing of the tasks of the accounting officer (Article 50 (2) of the Financial Regulation).
Mainly with a view to ensuring business continuity, access to more expertise and improved risk management the BEREC Office Management Committee decided to fully outsource the tasks of the accounting officer to the Commission Accounting Officer.
The MC authorised the BEREC Office Administrative Manager to sign on behalf of the BEREC Office a Service Level Agreement between the BEREC Office and the Commission for the provision of the Accounting Officer’s services to the BEREC Office.