BEREC Annual Reports 2014

This report aims to briefly present the activities of BEREC in 2014 in accordance with Article 5(5) of the BEREC Regulation. Following the usual procedure, the annual report on BEREC activities in 2014 is based on the work streams and priorities identified in the work programme for 2014

It elaborates on the work conducted by the expert working groups (EWGs) and ad-hoc teams. The aim of the BEREC report on sector developments is to present the key trends in the electronic communications sector, addressing both market dynamics as well as the development of EU regulatory practices and public policies.

The report is based on the findings of the BEREC Expert Working Groups in 2014, but also adopts a forward-looking approach.

Document number: BoR (15) 71
Document date: 25 May 2015
Date of registration: 25 May 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC