Decision of the Board of Regulators on the appointment of the FNE WG Co-Chair
Article 11 (1) of the Rules of Procedure (BoR (19) 58) of the Board of Regulators provides that the BoR “shall create Working Groups (WGs) to assist with the performance of the tasks and functions of BEREC”. With Decision BoR/2022/05 the Board of Regulators re-established the Fixed Network Evolution Working Group (FNE WG) and appointed its Co-Chairs until 31 December 2024.
As one of the Co-Chairs of the FNE WG has resigned from the position the BEREC Chair launched a call for interest for the position of the missing Co-Chair for the WG in line with Article 1.12 of the Rules of Procedure on the operation of BEREC Working Groups - BoR (19) 143 - (hereinafter “WG RoP”).
As a result of this procedure the BoR took the decision as published.