BEREC welcomes the adoption of the White Paper on ”How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs”
After the adoption of a White Paper on ”How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs” by the European Commission BEREC appreciates the opportunity to participate in the public consultation. The document ignites a thorough reflection on the digital infrastructures of tomorrow and on the drivers for their development.
BEREC considers this initiative as a relevant contribution for the assessment of the suitability of the current legislative framework for electronic communications networks and services in view of the forthcoming review of the Code.
The reflection launched by the European Commission covers several topics, ranging from industrial policy tools to promote a digital ecosystem to demand side needs and specific regulatory issues concerning very high-capacity fixed and mobile networks.
BEREC notes some matters of key relevance to National Regulatory Authorities raised in the White Paper, including the appropriate scope of the framework and the reach of its objectives, the authorisation regime for networks and services with a focus on core networks, efficient spectrum regulation and management tools, the simplification of ex-ante regulation, the introduction of “pan EU designed” remedies with a view to fostering the single market, the increasing importance of cybersecurity and the environmental impact of the digital infrastructures and services.
BEREC is willing to contribute to the construction of this reflection with a detailed analysis of the proposals at stake right from the outset in the context of the forthcoming public consultation and once they are translated into specific legislative initiatives emerging from the public consultation results.
The BEREC analysis will be developed in the light of its mission to foster independent, consistent, and high-quality regulation of digital markets for the benefit of Europe and its citizens.
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