BEREC e-Newsletter 07/2015

In the BEREC e-newsletter 07/2015:

  • The outcomes of the 25th plenary in London
  • BEREC Report on transparency and compatibility of the IR tariffs
  • Outcome of the public consultations on oligopoly
  • Report on Termination rates at European level July 2015
  • BEREC Report “Case Studies on IP-based Interconnection for Voice Services in the European Union
  • Price transparency and regulatory oversight of cross border parcels delivery, taking into account possible regulatory insights from the electronic communications sector – draft Joint BEREC-ERGP Opinion
  • BEREC future events
BEREC e-Newsletter 07/2015 PDF - 1018.9 KB
Document number: BoR (15) 228
Document date: 15 December 2015
Date of registration: 15 December 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC