BEREC Opinion on the proposal of the Commission for amending the Roaming Regulation

On 24 February 2021 the European Commission (EC) published a proposal of a recast for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union,  as the current applicable Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 expires on 30 June 2022. The aim of the proposal is to extend the Regulation, adjust the maximum wholesale charges and introduce new measures that are intended to ensure a similar roaming experience as at home with regard to quality of service, to increase transparency for value added services and to ensure cost free access to emergency services for roaming subscribers.

BEREC provided its Opinion and input to the European Commission in 2019 and 2020 in which it analysed the benefits of the Roaming Regulation as well as the functioning of the retail and the wholesale roaming market and made suggestions for the future regulation. Against this background, BEREC analysed the Commission’s proposal and provides its expert opinion on the impact of the proposed measures.

Document number: BoR (21) 59
Document date: 30 April 2021
Date of registration: 30 April 2021
Document type:
Author: BEREC