Draft BEREC Guidelines on Geographical surveys. Verification of information

These draft guidelines are provided by BEREC in response to the task set in Article 22 (7) of the Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11th December 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code (hereinafter EECC) to assist national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and/or other competent authorities (OCAs) on the consistent application of geographical surveys of network deployments (hereinafter GS of ND). According to Article 22 of the EECC, NRAs and/or other competent authorities shall conduct a geographical survey of the reach of electronic communications networks capable of delivering broadband (“broadband networks”) by 21 December 2023 and shall update it at least every 3 years.

Document number: BoR (20) 230
Document date: 11 December 2020
Date of registration: 15 December 2020
Document type:
Author: BEREC