BEREC Rules of procedure for the Information Sharing Portal
The information-sharing portal is a user-friendly online documentation tool that allows users to search for and consult various public documents, reports, and decisions published within the electronic communications sector. The published documents are produced and shared by the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), and other institutions such as the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).Designed to complement the information available on NRAs websites, the IS Portal provides a one-stop access point to public documents in the field of electronic communications and ensures public access to a comprehensive, regularly updated database of documents. The portal includes several sections and covers all categories of documents issued for public use. Users can consult documents online and download the desired files via a link to the original source’s website.The IS portal is maintained by BEREC and the Office, in accordance with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure. The rules prescribe the general principles how the IS Portal is structured and includes guidance on how links from technical and contextual point of view should be uploaded on the IS Portal.
The document is for internal use and not available to public.