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2nd Contact Network meeting for 2014 in Portugal

Event Date: 15 May 2014
Event Location: Lisbon, Portugal

The BEREC CN held its 2nd 2014 meeting on 15 and 16 May2014 in Lisbon, Portugal, kindly hosted by the Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações– ANACOM. The meeting was attended by representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services. NRAs from each EU Member State, each EFTA State and the States that are candidates for accession to the EU were represented. The European Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority also took part in the meeting and were represented at appropriate level.

The meeting was be chaired by Mr Ola Bergström, Director for International Affairs at the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), representative of the BEREC Chair 2014.

The main objective of the meeting was to prepare the 19th meetings of BEREC and the BEREC Office Management Committee to take place on 5 and 6 June 2014 in Dublin (Ireland). Therefore the Contact Network discussed all documents to be submitted for consideration during the plenary, as follows:

I.                 Documents to be submitted to the Board of Regulators (BoR)

The CN agreed to submit the following draft documents to the BoR:

1.               As ‘A’ items (without discussion):

1.1.           Draft BEREC termination rates (TR) benchmark snapshot (as of January 2014) - integrated report on fixed, mobile and SMS TR;

1.2.           Draft BEREC internal FTR report as of January 2014;

1.3.           Draft BEREC internal MTR report as of January 2014;

1.4.           Draft BEREC internal SMS TR report as of January 2014;

1.5.           Draft PRD for the Radio Spectrum EWG;

2.               As regular items (with presentation and discussion):

2.1.           For approval for publication:

2.1.1.       Draft BEREC opinion on the revised Commission Recommendation on relevant markets;

2.1.2.       Draft BEREC report on the public consultation of the revised common position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies);

2.1.3.       Draft BEREC common position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies);

2.1.4.       Draft BEREC annual report on developments in the electronic communications sector in 2013 and annual report on the activities of BEREC in 2013;

2.1.5.       BEREC Evaluation: recommendations and follow-up actions;

2.1.6.       Revised BoR Rules of Procedure;

2.2.           For discussion and decision on the way forward:

-                  Outline of the BEREC Work Programme(WP) for 2015;

2.3.           For orientation debate:

2.3.1.       Review of the BEREC Medium-term Strategy Outlook;

2.3.2.       Review of the structure of the BEREC Expert Working Groups;

2.4.           For approval for internal use:

2.4.1.       Draft BEREC communication plan;

2.4.2.       Internal BEREC report on the capacity of the European National Regulatory Authorities;

2.5.           For information:

2.5.1.       BEREC WP 2014 status update;

2.5.2.Status up-date on the work on theTelecom Single Market Initiative (TSM);

2.5.3.Information on the Commission request for BEREC input on wholesale roaming and fair use criteria;

2.5.4.Meetings calendar 2015.


II.               Documents to be submitted to the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC)

The CN agreed to submit the following draft documents to the MC as regular items (with presentation and discussion):

1.               For approval for publication:

1.1.           Draft BEREC Office 2013 annual activity report (AAR);

1.2.           Draft MC opinion on the 2013 BEREC Office final accounts;

2.               For information and consideration:

2.1.           Preliminary observations with a view to a report on the annual accounts of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2013;

2.2.           Annual Administrative Report from the BEREC Office Authorising Officer (AO)/Administrative Manager;

2.3.           2013 BEREC Office final accounts;

2.4.           Execution of the 2014 BEREC Office Budget as per 31 March 2014.


III.        Next meeting

The next meeting of the CN will take place on 5 and 6 September 2014 in Vaduz and will be hosted by the AK.