BEREC Workshop on how to best promote science based EMF limits recommended by experts
On 21 September 2021 BEREC organised a virtual workshop on an Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) related issues. It was a workshop open for participation only to members of the National Regulatory Authorities and Other Competent Authorities (Ministries, other Government Institutions like Radiation Protection Agencies).
The workshop served a two-fold purpose:
- to set out an overview of current state of research by experts on EMF, and
- to present different case studies outlining how various countries were handling public EMF concerns and introducing cooperation amongst competent authorities to make their communications efforts more effective.
In addition to support the workshop, BEREC collected and published information about the different levels of cooperation between competent bodies in countries and about national policies around monitoring, communicating and implementing EMF-related issues (see link here).
As a result, BEREC encourages NRAs to:
- keep abreast with any relevant EMF-related developments, particularly in the area of risk communication (such as publications by the ITU, IEEE/IEC, WHO, IARC and others);
- keep track of the efforts done by their counterparts in other countries with respect to EMF. Certain practices may easily be adapted and tailored to be deployed in multiple countries.
The workshop was well attended by 125 participants (NRAs; OCAs, European Commission, and International organisations) and BEREC thanks participants for sharing their views.
Here you may find the Summary Report of the workshop, approved by the BEREC Board of Regulators on 9 December 2021, together with the presentations from stakeholders.