BEREC 4-lateral Summit: Connecting Regions – Ensuring Connectivity in Convergent World

30 May 2017

On 31st May , in Cascais, Portugal, BEREC is organizing a 4-lateral Summit, bringing together high-level representatives from the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg), the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL) and the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG).

This year the discussion will focus on the most significant aspects of connectivity and will be articulated around the following topics:

  • Connectivity: investments in ultra-high capacity networks and bridging the digital gap;
  • Mobile connectivity: spectrum issues;
  • Rights in a connected world: net neutrality challenges.

At the end of the Summit, a Joint Declaration will be adopted, which will be published on the BEREC website after the meeting.

The Summit is a valuable opportunity to enhance the regulatory dialogue between the European NRAs and the counterparts from the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Eastern European countries.

The Summit will be kindly hosted by the Portuguese National Regulatory Authority – Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM).

BEREC International cooperation

In 2017, BEREC continues to develop and strengthen the contacts with regional regulatory networks such as EMERG, EaPeReg and Regulatel, in accordance with the BEREC Regulation and in cooperation with the EU external action services.

Every year, it becomes ever more necessary for BEREC to engage in dialogue with NRAs based outside the EU, as well as with a variety of regulatory networks, policy-makers and institutions involved in electronic communications matters.

The increasing volume of electronic communications flowing in and out of the EU and the globalisation of the telecommunications industry (similar to another industries) means that policies, legislation and regulations have to be seen from beyond the European perspective and take into account the global perspective. Therefore, BEREC is closely following international trends in technology and changing business models, so that to retain the capacity to address challenges swiftly and effectively as they arise.