Eliminating hurdles for a quick roll out of 5G

12 February 2018

“We want the industry to have predictability for their investments”, said BEREC Chair 2018 Johannes Gungl at the European 5G Conference 2018 held in Brussels today. An expert panel amongst Gungl discussed a roadmap for 5G and the delivery of a European Gigabit Society.

BEREC, within the scope of its competence in 2018, actively and closely follows the development of 5G. It wants to contribute to the removal of potential hurdles to a smooth and quick implementation of 5G in the Member States. For Gungl it is not acceptable that building a mobile site takes 18 to 24 months due to permission and negotiation issues. “We want to give the industry the investment certainty it needs for a fast and consistent deployment of 5G in the Member States”, he said. With this aim BEREC is also supporting the EU Action Plan for 5G.

The European 5G Conference 2018 took place on 12 and 13 February in Brussels and was focused on the connectivity, use cases and deployment models. It brought together high-level stakeholders for the discussion on the roadmap ahead in the continuous journey towards the Gigabit Society.

*Frontpage photo by Forum Europe