Outcomes of the BEREC – EMERG – EAPEREG - REGULATEL SUMMIT, 2-3 July 2015

03 July 2015

BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) and its counterparts from EaPeReg (Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network), REGULATEL (Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators) and EMERG (Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group) met in Barcelona, on the 2nd and 3rd July, for the high level BEREC-EMERG-EaPeReg-REGULATEL Summit, to discuss the current challenges for the electronic communications sector in the new Internet ecosystem. Representatives from the European Commission and from the BEREC Office were also present. The meeting has been hosted by the Spanish National Authority For Markets and Competition (CNMC).

The debate was based on three different sessions, addressing the following topics:

·         The Internet ecosystem: challenges to regulation

·         Broadband: Access and connectivity, NGNs and deployment in rural and remote areas; and

·         Broadband services and quality standards from the consumers’ perspective.

At the end of the Summit the participants adopted a joint declaration, which can be consulted here.

Participants agreed on the added value of maintaining this cooperative regulatory dialogue between Europe and other regions of the World, namely Latin America, North Africa and Middle East, as well as the Eastern Europe, aiming at exploring ways to promote future joint working groups, as well as to have such a similar Summit in the future.

Photo gallery from the BEREC – EMERG – EAPEREG - REGULATEL SUMMIT, 2-3 July 2015 

Presentations given during the summit:



Pavel Pavlovski,
Head of Development and  Strategic Planning Department

Качество услуг широкополосного доступа в сеть Интернет

Quality of services for broadband access to the Internet

Gilbert Camacho,
Presidente Consejo de la SUTEL
Costa Rica

Regulador del Sector Telecomunicaciones Costa Rica.

Jacques Stern,

Cost sharing models of NGN rollout in rural or remote areas

Amina El Fatihi


Approche de développement du haut débit et très haut débit au Maroc


INTT, Tunisia

Vers une Stratégie Nationale pour l’implémentation du Service Universel en Tunisie

 Giedrius Pūras,
Deputy director, RRT


 BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT: The example of Lithuania

Vesa Terava, EC

Connectivity as raw material of Digital Economy

Andrejs Dombrovskis,
SPRK, Latvia

Challenges to Regulation: Internet Ecosytem


Adi Cahan-Gonen
Senior Professional Advisor to the Director-General
Ministry of Communications

Internet (over-the-top) services and challenges to regulation

Torstein Olsen,
Director General
Norwegian Communications Authority


Net neutrality activities at BEREC and Nkom

Huichalaf Roa, Pedro Mariano.
Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones, Chile

La Neutralidad de la Red: El Caso Chileno



Pedro Huichalaf
Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones


Neutralidad de la Red: Explorando el impacto en REGULATEL


Gonzalo Ruiz Díaz
Chairman of the Board, Osiptel,


Challenges for Telecoms in the New Internet Ecosystem:
Improving the Quality of Broadband Services:
The Peruvian Experience


IFT, Mexico

Estrategia integral de calidad de servicio (QoS) en telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión


Cristina Luchita
Chief of Economic Executive
Regulation Service ANRCETI,


Broadband Development in the Republic of Moldova

Victor Mazur,
Member of NCCIR,


Broadband development in Ukraine:
Market overview and key initiatives


Tim Gilfedder
Technical Advisor, Ofcom,


Measuring the experience consumers have when using broadband services

Beatriz Elena Cárdenas
CasasComisionada CRC,


Percepción de Calidad de los servicios de comunicaciones (2014)


Al-Ansary Al-Mashakbah,
TRC,  Jordan


QoS for Broadband Services, Consumer Perspective and Regulatory Challenges