On 20 August 2024, the BEREC Chair, Tonko Obuljen (HAKOM, Croatia), addressed the pivotal role of regulation in securing European electronic communications, alongside robust cybersecurity and resilience in Europe’s telecommunications infrastructures and networks, at the...
On Wednesday 13 March, at 14:00 CET, BEREC will welcome all interested stakeholders to its public debriefing on the outcomes of the 58th BEREC ordinary meetings.
The BEREC Chair, Tonko Obuljen, and the Working Group...
The digital market is a constantly evolving landscape undergoing significant transformation. BEREC continues to monitor developments in digital markets and emerging electronic communication services to anticipate any potential regulatory needs in a fast-changing environment.
With the aim of exchanging ideas on global trends in technology and changing business models, and fostering greater cooperation between EU and South America in the area of digital regulation, the BEREC delegation visited Brazil....
BEREC is committed to promoting independent, consistent, high-quality regulation of electronic communications services and digital markets and is willing to share its experience with regulators worldwide. At the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL)...
On 14 December 2023, BEREC will hold its last public debriefing of 2023 online. The BEREC Chair, Prof. Kostas Masselos (EETT, Greece), and several Working Group Co-chairs will present the documents approved at the latest...
On 27 November 2023, the delegates from BEREC along with other members, participated in the second meeting of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) High-Level Group. The participants exchanged views on practical issues concerning the DMA...