Public consultation 06/12 on non-discrimination
Run from 1 to 30 March 2012
In 2012 BEREC will review and update the three Common Positions (CPs) approved by the European Regulators Group (ERG) on key wholesale access products – wholesale unbundled access (ERG (06) 70 rev1), wholesale broadband access (ERG (06) 69 rev1)and wholesale leased lines (ERG (07) 54).in relation to non-discrimination, access (including issues relating to NGA), pricing and other issues.
As a first step in the process of the review and updating the afore-mentioned CPs, BEREC held a public consultation on its draft high level principles of non-discrimination.
During the one-month consultation period BEREC also held a public workshop with interested stakeholders.
The consultation closed on 30 March and BEREC received 12 responses from the following organisations:
- Bouygues Telecom
- British Telecom (BT)
- Deutsche Telecom (DT)
- Federation of Communication Services (FCS)
- FTTH Council
- Telecom Italia (TI)
The summary of the comments received and explanation how they will be reflected in the final document will be published in the forthcoming months.