Public consultation for the BEREC Preliminary report in view of a common position on monitoring mobile coverage
This public consultation was seeking stakeholders’ views regarding the draft Preliminary report in view of a common position on monitoring mobile coverage set out to provide guidance to National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on monitoring mobile coverage and sharing best practices.
Each national regulatory authority (NRA) uses different means to provide information on national mobile coverage. It constitutes an important obstacle to a consistent approach in terms both of public policy and users’ information. A common understanding on how mobile coverage is measured and published and the definition of a common vocabulary for mobile coverage is a first step to alleviate this obstacle.
To this end, the draft Preliminary report in view of a Common position gives a description of the high-level characteristics that seems essential to the provision of mobile coverage information to consumers, policy makers and industry. It also describes some of the key features of maps used by NRAs to report on mobile coverage.
The purpose of the public consultation is to increase transparency on the on-going work of BEREC regarding the monitoring of mobile coverage and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from stakeholders. In particular, stakeholders are invited to comment on the list of characteristics for mobile coverage and on the key features of maps identified in the draft Preliminary report.
The response to the public consultation will serve as inputs for the definition of a BEREC common position on monitoring mobile coverage. Further internal work will then be performed to prepare a Common position to be submitted for a second public consultation in the first quarter of 2018.
In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests.
The public consultation ran from 11 of October to 8 November, 2017.
All stakeholders were invited to submit their contributions via the new BEREC online public consultation tool on, by 8 November 2017 17:00 CET.