Public consultation on draft BEREC Strategy 2018-2020; Draft Net-Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology; Draft Report on IP-Interconnection Practices in the context of Net-Neutrality
BEREC had three public consultations in the period between 7 June and 5 July 2017 (17:00 CET).
With these public consultations BEREC requested the inputs of the stakeholders on the following three documents:
- Draft BEREC Strategy 2018-2020;
- Draft Net-Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology; and
- Draft BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection Practices in the context of Net-Neutrality.
BEREC values very much the views of all stakeholders, and expresses its appreciation and gratefulness for the time, resources and efforts that was spent for this activity.
BEREC Chair video invitation to contribute to public consultation
For the public consultation on draft BEREC Strategy 2018-2020, stakeholders were invited to submit their contributions via the new BEREC online public consultation tool which was available together with the traditional email submission on the email address: [email protected].
For the public consultation on the draft BEREC Net-Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology, the stakeholders were invited to submit their contribution via the new BEREC online public consultation tool which as available together with the traditional email submission on the email address: [email protected].
Finally, for the public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection practices in the Context of Net Neutrality, the stakeholders were invited to submit their contribution only via email submission on the email address: [email protected].
In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions to these public consultation, respecting confidentiality requests.
Contributions received after the submission deadline are not taken into account.