Public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Roaming Regulation (Articles 4 and 5)
Run from 14May to 3 June 2013
On 14 May 2013 BEREC launched a public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines about the application of articles 4 and 5 on separate sale of roaming included in the Roaming Regulation (EC) No 531/2012, which lasted until 3 June 2013.
The responses to the draft document, subject to the public consultation, have been used by BEREC to get feedback from different types of stakeholders regarding BEREC’s clarifications of the third roaming regulation on issues relating to the separate sale of roaming services, as well as for amending and adapting the draft BEREC guidelines to take into account the issues raised by stakeholders.
As a result of the public consultation BEREC adopted the final version of the BEREC Guidelines and published a summary of the opinions expressed during the public consultation.
All individual contributions, with the exception of the confidential ones, have been published on the BEREC website and can be consulted from the public register of documents or from the list provided here.