Public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on regulatory treatment of business services
During the 53rd BEREC plenary meeting (8 December 2022), the Board of Regulators has approved the draft BEREC Report on the regulatory treatment of business services (BoR (22)185) for public consultation.
This report provides a snapshot of the regulatory treatment of business services by BEREC members and observers, based on a comprehensive questionnaire responded in June 2022 by all BEREC members and six observers (33 NRAs). It focuses on wholesale regulation for M2/2020, M1/2020 and M3b/2014, the upstream markets for business services, including when relevant information on passive infrastructure access and symmetric regulation in the context of business services. Aspects as geographical scope and the remedies applied in the context of business services, as well as of the challenges on data collection and references to good practices by NRAs are also addressed.
Interested parties are kindly asked to submit their contributions here by 03 February 2023 close of business.
After submitting the contribution, an acknowledgment confirmation page will be displayed. Contributions should be sent preferably in English and, in order to facilitate processing of the responses, the comments provided should clearly refer to certain sections/subsections/paragraphs of the document.
In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish all contributions and a summary of the contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. Any such requests should clearly indicate which information is considered confidential and be accompanied by a non-confidential version.
Contributions received: