Public consultation on the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017
Run from 29 September to 24 October 2014
During its 18th Plenary Meeting (27-28 February 2014, Stockholm) the Board of Regulators decided to start work on a new draft BEREC Strategy, to cover the period 2015-2017 in succession to the BEREC Medium Term Strategy Outlook. After the meeting, BEREC established a small Ad Hoc Group under the leadership of the BEREC Vice-Chair (BIPT), which was tasked to develop a questionnaire on the challenges to be faced by the regulators in the coming three years. The questionnaire was sent to the NRAs on 15 April 2014 and it contained 3 main sections, as follows:
- Section 1: Strategic/Core issues at national level;
- Section 2: Strategic/Core issues at EU-Level;
- Section 3: Strategic Priorities for BEREC.
BEREC received 23 responses (out of 36 NRAs), which were summarised and presented to the 19th BoR Plenary Meeting (5-6 June 2014, Dublin), on the basis of which BEREC held an orientation debate. The outcome of the orientation debate was used by the Ad Hoc Group as an input to the development of a draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017, which was approved by the Board of Regulators during its 20th BEREC Plenary Meeting (25-26 September 2014, Rome). for a public consultationin compliance with the provisions of Article 17 of the BEREC Regulation. The public consultation ran from 29 September to 24 October 2014, with an oral hearing on 16 October 2014 during the 2nd BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting.
During the public consultation, BEREC received 18 contributions which were examined and reflected in the revised Strategy, where appropriate. All individual contributions have been published on the BEREC website subject to any confidentially requirements imposed by the contributors. An overview of the contributions received and explanation of how they were reflected in the revised Strategy is presented in the BEREC Report on the Public Consultation of the BEREC Strategy 2015-2017.
The final text of the BEREC Strategy 2015-2017as amended after the public consultation was approved by BEREC during the 21st plenary meeting of the Board of Regulators(Brussels, 5-6 December 2014).
The BEREC Strategy outlines the 3 strategic pillars for BEREC’s activities in the period 2015-2017, as follows:
- Promoting competition and investment;
- Promoting the Internal market;
- Empowering and protecting end-users;.
The document emphasised the importance of the quality of BEREC output and BEREC’s operational efficiency, which impact directly on the achievement of BEREC’s strategic vision. BEREC will reflect its vision in its work programmes and seek to improve its work planning in order to optimise the use of its resources.
The achievement of this objective will be developed at three levels: by working to improve the quality and consistency of individual NRA decisions through development and articulation of guidelines and best practices; by engaging and cooperating effectively, in particular with the Commission and other stakeholders; and by improving working methods and the quality of the output.
List of all documents related to the consultation