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Focal points - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) + Health and Safety Authority National Regulatory Authority (NRA) ComReg, IE NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on 13/09/2021
The budget and finance of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) is governed by Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of 09/10/2014
Single Programming Documents In accordance with Article 23 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing 01/08/2012
National Regulatory Authority (NRA) AGCOM, IT NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) No NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No EMF material 16/02/2024
Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)) Involvement of operators (with regard to the method for the operator’s calculation and demonstration 13/09/2021
The digital market is a constantly evolving landscape undergoing significant transformation. BEREC continues to monitor developments in digital markets and emerging electronic communication services to 23/02/2024
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Hellenic Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) measurement results website NRA EETT, GR NRA responsible for 13/09/2021
Competition is the primary catalyst that drives investment and fosters innovation. It is equally vital in terms of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) and, 27/02/2024
Introduction This section explains how the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) manages and protects personal data (any information relating to an identified or 04/07/2022
On Wednesday 13 March, at 14:00 CET, BEREC will welcome all interested stakeholders to its public debriefing on the outcomes of the 58th BEREC ordinary 26/02/2024