EMF related country-specific information for Austria

Cooperation of National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Ministry + Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board (focusing on health issues of wireless communications)

Cooperation with Local + Regional Administrations (Mayors)

Involvement of Operators

NRA NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) NRA responsible for monitoring EMF
EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
RTR, AT No No Yes. Information material on 5G published on NRA website is also addressing EMF issues. No Yes. Cooperation between Ministry (competent for EMF) and NRA, also involving medical experts body dealing with EMF health issues. 5G Fact-Check (Ministry): https://info.bmlrt.gv.at/themen/telekommunikation-post/funk-mobilfunk/mobilfunk-gesundheit/5g-faktencheck.html
5G Information (NRA): www.rtr.at/en/tk/5G
5G FAQs (NRA): https://www.rtr.at/TKP/was_wir_tun/telekommunikation/weitere-regulierungsthemen/einfuehrung_von_5G/5GGemeindeservice.de.html
Transmitter Map (Mobile Network Operator (MNO) Organisation) including some EMF measurements by MNO organisation: https://www.senderkataster.at/karte
Yes: ICNIRP 1999/519/EG

    Frequently Asked Questions list addressing various aspects of 5G for communities, majors and the general public. NRA, Ministry, and Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board have joined forces to provide the public with facts based on technical, legal and medical knowledge regarding 5G technology, 5G usage scenarios and the ongoing 5G deployment. As most discussions arise on the local level the information campaign addresses mayors on a local level in order to better prepare them for discussions with the local population.