EMF related country-specific information for Poland
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Ministry of Digital Affairs of the Chancellery + National Research Institute + Ministry of Digital Affairs + Demagogue Association
Involvement of local government officials
Information campaigns on various media
NRA | NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) | NRA responsible for monitoring EMF | EMF material published by NRA | NRA publishes EMF measurements | Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF | Other noteworthy country specific practices | ICNIRP exposure level used Y/N? |
UKE, PL | www.gov.pl/5G www.gov.pl/attachment/02d0f873-90ec-41a9-a786-f998b13d99ca |
In terms of the information campaign regarding the relationship of the project with 5G technologies, the Minister of Digital Affairs of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (former of the Ministry of Digital Affairs) has been presenting a clear message on the impact of telecommunications infrastructure, including 5G networks, on the environment and citizens since 2016. Positions in this area have been presented many times by the Minister of Digital Affairs during the works of the Parliamentary Committee on Digitisation, Innovation and Modern Technologies as part of the current work of the committee, as well as during legislative work carried out in 2019 on the Act amending the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks and certain other acts and they are consistent with the position of science, which is reflected in the recommendations of international organizations dealing with non-ionising radiation. It was also necessary to undertake intensive information and education activities in the field of EMF and 5G networks. This turned out to be crucial in relation to acts of disinformation in this area which intensified in Poland since December 2018. Moreover, at the request of the Minister of Digital Affairs, a study entitled "The electromagnetic field and people. On physics, biology, medicine, standards and 5G networks” (the so-called White Paper), presenting in an accessible way the most important issues related to the electromagnetic field at radio frequencies.
Another activity carried out on a continuous basis is a dedicated website devoted to issues related to the 5G network, including EMF. This website publishes news on the implementation of the 5G network in Poland and in the world, as well as information on research and reports on EMF. As part of the educational activities, the "A Guide to 5G", written in accessible language, was also made available, presenting the most important issues related to next-generation networks:
- www.gov.pl/5G
- https://www.gov.pl/attachment/02d0f873-90ec-41a9-a786-f998b13d99ca [The electromagnetic field and people: On physics, biology, medicine, standards, and the 5G network, Ministry of Digital Affairs: Warsaw 2020]
Since December 2018, the Ministry of Digital Affairs has been carrying out activities against disinformation related to mobile telecommunications networks and EMF. We joined the activities aimed at counterfighting the wave of fake news regarding the relationship between the coronavirus and 5G. Almost from the very beginning, as part of substantive support, we participated in the works of the factchecking teams i.e. Stop Fakenews and Fake Hunter. We cooperated with the Demagogue Association, which is the first fact-finding organization in Poland. In cooperation with the Institute of Communications, we have launched the #Please check in social media campaign. As part of it, we debunk even the most absurd myths that appear during the pandemic, regarding 5G and electromagnetic radiation, which are directly and indirectly associated with COVID-19.
As part of the project for the construction of an Information System on Installations Generating Electromagnetic Radiation (SI2PEM), training courses are conducted, among others in the field of physical properties of EMF emitted in wireless telecommunications networks and obtaining information about the levels of emissions of these fields.
Due to the wave of fake news regarding 5G, EMF and the COVID relation, which resulted in acts of destroying the telecommunications infrastructure in the country, measures were taken to prepare an information and educational campaign on the role of mobile telecommunications. At the turn of August and September, two information clips on mobile telecommunications networks were broadcast on nationwide television.
Local government officials are a key group for the development of mobile telecommunications in Poland, primarily in terms of the investment process, the exact course of which they are not aware. Local government officials are also the group that most often encounters social opposition to telecommunications investments in the first place. We considered equipping them with appropriate knowledge in the field of law, the functioning of telecommunications networks, research on health aspects of the impact of EMF and soft skills in resolving disputes as the most important from the point of view of the project objectives. The second group are journalists, as well as the general public and school principals. As part of the project, we also want to prepare a supporting textbook for learning physics in primary schools. The project envisages very broad communication and educational activities in all fields of impact.